| robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b                  | 
| It's just some jumbled letters and numbers.         | 
|                                                     | 
|  The Code -- [our sourceforge page]                 | .[rfk) 
|                                                     |:-[home)
|  robotfindskitten is an extremely cutting-edge      |:-[rfk news)   
|  piece of software with some highly experimental    |:-[software)
|  coding techniques that may or may not work on      |:-[submit a port)
|  your system. robotfindskitten, like all free       |:-[screenshots)
|  software is a use at your own risk software!       |:-[download)
|                                                     |:-[the source)
|  Certain video terminals, such as the niner-J-10    |:-[lists)
|  model VT220 and 570s are incable of rendering      |:-[devteam)
|  the Mesa OpenGL character display, and have        |:-[sponsors)
|  been known to violently explode if you run         |:-[contact info)
|  robotfindskitten on them.                          |`-[afterword)
|                                                     |`-[PLAY)
|  Additionally, you must know the *exact*            |              
|  vertical and horizontal sync frequencies of        |              
|  your monitor, or robotfindskitten *WILL* make      |              
|  that explode, too.                                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Finally, robotfindskitten is a zen simulation.     |              
|  This means that it may put you in an altered state |              
|  of consciousness, that your chakra may become      |              
|  deflated, that your karma may turn particulary     |              
|  goldenrod, and yes, your head might explode. The   |              
|  robotfindskitten consortium, LLC and it's          |              
|  investors and/or board of directors are in no way  |              
|  responsible for any damages to your property       |              
|  and/or psyche.                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Just Kidding.                                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  None of that stuff there was true, except          |              
|  that we're really not liable, should this          |              
|  break your hardware. HOWEVER, if it does           |              
|  somehow manage to break your hardware, let         |              
|  us know, because we really don't think that's      |              
|  possible.                                          |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  The Code, really.                                  |              
|                                                     |              
|  The POSIX codebase of robotfindskitten is          |              
|  an entirely c and curses-based zen simulation.     |              
|  It looks best on an intel-based pc console         |              
|  with color support, although it will work on       |              
|  scores of other display types, such as video       |              
|  terminals, terminal emulators, and theoretically,  |              
|  (although unrecommended) LPR.                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  The robotfindskitten development code is stored    |              
|  and tracked at Sourceforge.net. You can also get   |              
|  software from us, or you can browse our cvs tree   |              
|  here. The various ports may or may not be          |              
|  available at Sourceforge -- and for that matter,   |              
|  may or may not be actual ports. See the software   |              
|  page for more information.                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  The POSIX version is licensed under the GNU Public |              
|  License (GPL), but some of the reimplementations   |              
|  are merely Open Source or public domain.           |              
|                                                     |              
        r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g  
| [-]                .::. .::.              |\_/|     | 
| (+)=C              :::::::::              |o o|__   | 
| | |                ':::::::'              =-*-=__\  | 
| OOO                  ':::'               c_c__(___) | 
          -- finding kitten since 1997 --