| robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b                  | 
| Yet another zen simulation.                         | 
|                                                     | 
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|              Our Generous Sponsors                  |:-[home)
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|  robotfindskitten fans for their contributions to   |:-[screenshots)
|  the domain name registration fund:                 |:-[download)
|                                                     |:-[the source)
|  "So that future generations may, too, be able to   |:-[lists)
|   find kitten."                                     |:-[devteam)
|                           -- David Wolever          |:-[sponsors)
|                                                     |:-[contact info)
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        r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g  
| [-]                .::. .::.              |\_/|     | 
| (+)=C              :::::::::              |o o|__   | 
| | |                ':::::::'              =-*-=__\  | 
| OOO                  ':::'               c_c__(___) | 
          -- finding kitten since 1997 --