| robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b                  | 
| It's nothing less than a benediction.               | 
|                                                     | 
|  A FINAL THOUGHT                                    | .[rfk) 
|  ---------------                                    |:-[home)
|                                                     |:-[rfk news)   
|  "Day and night I feverishly worked upon the        |:-[software)
|  machine, creating both a soul which could desire   |:-[submit a port)
|  its goal, and a body with which it could realize   |:-[screenshots)
|  it. Many who saw my creation called it an          |:-[download)
|  abomination, and denied me grant money. But they   |:-[the source)
|  could not dissuade me from my impossible task. It  |:-[lists)
|  was a spectre that tormented me always, a ghost I  |:-[devteam)
|  had to give a form and a life, lest it consume me  |:-[sponsors)
|  from the inside.  And when at last my task was     |:-[contact info)
|  done, when the grey box on wheels was complete and |`-[afterword)
|  when it, as well as I, knew what had to be done, I |`-[PLAY)
|  felt deep sympathy for the machine.  For I had not |              
|  destroyed the phantom, but merely exorcized it     |              
|  into another body. The robot knew not why this     |              
|  task had to be performed, for I could not imbue it |              
|  with knowledge I did not myself posess. And at the |              
|  same time, I felt a sweeping sense of relief sweep |              
|  over me, that somehow, the dream that had driven   |              
|  me for my entire life had come one step closer to  |              
|  fruition.  "As I vocally activated the robot, I    |              
|  realized that it was following my instructions,    |              
|  but not out of any desire to obey me. Had I        |              
|  remained silent, it would have performed           |              
|  exactly the same operations. We were two beings    |              
|  controlled by the same force now. And yet, seeking |              
|  vainly to hold some illusion of control over the   |              
|  machine I thought I had created, I gave my final   |              
|  command.                                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  "`GO!' I told the box as it began to roll out of   |              
|  my workshop into the frozen desert beyond. `FIND   |              
|  KITTEN!'"                                          |              
|                                                     |              
|        --The Book of Found Kittens, pages 43-4,     |              
|          author unknown                             |              
|                                                     |              
        r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g  
| [-]                .::. .::.              |\_/|     | 
| (+)=C              :::::::::              |o o|__   | 
| | |                ':::::::'              =-*-=__\  | 
| OOO                  ':::'               c_c__(___) | 
          -- finding kitten since 1997 --