+-----------------------------------------------------+ | robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b | | It's your friendly neighborhood mailman. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------+ | robotfindskitten lists | .[rfk) | |:-[home) | rfk-dev -- [archive] |:-[rfk news) | rfk-dev is the list for rfk developers |:-[software) | and/or those interested in the ongoing |:-[submit a port) | development process. |:-[screenshots) | |:-[download) | asciiweb-dev -- [archive] |:-[the source) | asciiweb-dev is the list for those interested |:-[lists) | and/or involved in the development process |:-[devteam) | of the Asciiweb (robotfindskitten) webpage |:-[sponsors) | engine. Queries regarding the website should |:-[contact info) | be addressed to pedro@tastytronic.net. |`-[afterword) | |`-[PLAY) +-----------------------------------------------------+ r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g +-----------------------------------------------------+ | [-] .::. .::. |\_/| | | (+)=C ::::::::: |o o|__ | | | | ':::::::' =-*-=__\ | | OOO ':::' c_c__(___) | +-----------------------------------------------------+ -- finding kitten since 1997 --