| robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b                  | 
| Why, it's a ragtag band of Free Software coders!    | 
|                                                     | 
|                                                     | .[rfk) 
|  robotfindskitten development team                  |:-[home)
|                                                     |:-[rfk news)   
|  ORIGINAL AUTHOR                                    |:-[software)
|                                                     |:-[submit a port)
|  leonardr -- Leonard Richardson                     |:-[screenshots)
|                                                     |:-[download)
|  current POSIX base written (mostly) by             |:-[the source)
|                                                     |:-[lists)
|  alexeyt -- Alexey Toptygin                         |:-[devteam)
|                                                     |:-[sponsors)
|  with the POSIX Development Team                    |:-[contact info)
|                                                     |`-[afterword)
|  fo0bar -- Ryan Finnie (Debian Maintainer)          |`-[PLAY)
|                                                     |              
|  alexeyt -- Alexey Toptygin                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  leonardr -- Leonard Richardson                     |              
|                                     #               |              
|  crackmonkey -- Nick Moffitt                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  frog -- George Moffitt                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  kickaha -- Lukas Eklund                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  pedro -- Peter A. Peterson II                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  sneakums -- Sean Neakums                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  username -- Jake Berendes                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  phil -- Phil Ulrich (Mac OS X)                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  neale -- Neale Pickett                             |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  PORTS and IMPLEMENTATIONS                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  PalmOS: i0lanthe -- Bridget Spitznagel             |              
|                                                     |              
|  CGI: mbp -- Martin Pool                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  Gameboy Adv.: bmolitor -- Ben Molitor              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Dreamcast: drwiii -- Douglas Winslow               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Java: noemail -- Brian Enigma                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  C64: ApM -- Jeremy Penner                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  Apple ][: ApM -- Jeremy Penner                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Inform: Dave Griffith -- Dave Griffith             |              
|                                                     |              
|  Atari: ApM -- Jeremy Penner                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  AmigaOS: pete -- Peter Gordon                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  OpenGL: pete -- Peter Gordon                       |              
|                                                     |              
|  QNX: ApM -- Jeremy Penner                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  Spectrum: rjt -- Robert Tinsley                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  PHP: dh -- Darkhorse                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Java MIDlet: screwtape -- Tim Allen                |              
|                                                     |              
|  Gambas: Rob -- Rob Kudla                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  Flash: WiDDY -- Christopher Widman                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Python: leonardr -- Leonard Richardson             |              
|                                                     |              
|  Inform (C-64): John M Charroux -- John M Charroux  |              
|                                                     |              
|  Javascript: Thom Curtis -- Thom Curtis             |              
|                                                     |              
|  Atari 7800: Thomas Mathys -- Thomas Mathys         |              
|                                                     |              
|  CGI (2nd): Harry J Mason -- Harry J Mason          |              
|                                                     |              
|  PSP: Trevor Wilson -- jiji                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI 99/4A: Walid Maalouli -- Vorticon               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Rockbox: Jonas Haggqvist -- rasher                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Nintendo DS: Troy Davis -- GPF                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  68k Macintosh: Nathanial Hendler -- equant         |              
|                                                     |              
|  Clank Mini Game: Gerard Green, High Impact Games   |              
|                                                     |              
|  PDCurses: Joseph Larson -- Guesst                  |              
|                                                     |              
|  DEC Rainbow 100: Jeff Armstrong -- PrintStar       |              
|                                                     |              
|  MIT Scratch: Derek Graham -- bravenewnerd          |              
|                                                     |              
|  Second Life: Argent Stonecutter                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  Maemo: Marnanel -- Marnanel                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  Android: Steve Pomeroy -- xxv                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  Zune: Jonathan Moscardini -- ionothanus            |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI-83+: Ander D'Nar -- drdnar                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI-86: Heikki Kallasjoki -- fizzie                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Wii: chris -- chris                                |              
|                                                     |              
|  Lego NXT Mindstorm: Aapo Rantalainen -- Aapo       |              
|                                                     |              
|  Sega Master System: Ben Russell -- Greasemonkey    |              
|                                                     |              
|  Web 2.0: Star Simpson -- Star Simpson              |              
|                                                     |              
|  HTML5: Michael Wooten -- Michael Wooten            |              
|                                                     |              
|  PHP (alt.): Xavier Darmon -- xar                   |              
        r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g  
| [-]                .::. .::.              |\_/|     | 
| (+)=C              :::::::::              |o o|__   | 
| | |                ':::::::'              =-*-=__\  | 
| OOO                  ':::'               c_c__(___) | 
          -- finding kitten since 1997 --