| robotfindskitten.org v1600005.334b                  | 
| Just your ship, coming in.                          | 
|                                                     | 
|  Did you port rfk to UNIVAC? click here!            | .[rfk) 
|                                                     |:-[home)
|  The POSIX Implementation                           |:-[rfk news)   
|                                                     |:-[software)
|  POSIX                                              |:-[submit a port)
|                                                     |:-[screenshots)
|  The Many Ports                                     |:-[download)
|  (in order of appearance)                           |:-[the source)
|                                                     |:-[lists)
|  PalmOS                                             |:-[devteam)
|  Dreamcast                                          |:-[sponsors)
|  The rfk CGI                                        |:-[contact info)
|  Java                     #                         |`-[afterword)
|  Gameboy Advance                                    |`-[PLAY)
|  Commodore 64                                       |              
|  Apple ][                                           |              
|  Inform                                             |              
|  Atari 2600                                         |              
|  AmigaOS                                            |              
|  OpenGL                                             |              
|  QNX                                                |              
|  Spectrum                                           |              
|  PHP                                                |              
|  Amtel AVR                                          |              
|  Java MIDlet                                        |              
|  Gambas                                             |              
|  Flash                                              |              
|  Python                                             |              
|  Inform (C-64)                                      |              
|  Javascript                                         |              
|  Atari 7800                                         |              
|  CGI (2nd)                                          |              
|  PSP                                                |              
|  TI 44/9A                                           |              
|  Rockbox (music player)                             |              
|  Nintendo DS                                        |              
|  68k Macintosh                                      |              
|  PDCurses                                           |              
|  DEC Rainbow 100                                    |              
|  MIT Scratch                                        |              
|  Second Life                                        |              
|  Maemo                                              |              
|  Android                                            |              
|  Zune                                               |              
|  TI-83+                                             |              
|  TI-86                                              |              
|  Wii                                                |              
|  Lego NXT Mindstorm                                 |              
|  Sega Master System                                 |              
|  Web 2.0                                            |              
|  HTML5                                              |              
|  PHP (alt.)                                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  Other Appearances                                  |              
|                                                     |              
|  Secret Agent Clank (mini game)                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Other rfkiana                                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  rfksay                                             |              
|  jasonfindsfleece                                   |              
|  megahyperdeath                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten: The Deltaur Initiative           |              
|  robotfindskitten: the ultimate fanpage             |              
|  robotfindskitten: the o'reilly factor              |              
|  rfk still life by beth lerman                      |              
|                                                     |              
|     -------------------------------------------     |              
|                                                     |              
|  POSIX                                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Not so much a port as it is the original. Not so   |              
|  much the original as it is a rewrite of the        |              
|  original. Trouble not yourself with this puzzle,   |              
|  but only find kitten. Now available in Debian      |              
|  GNU/Linux, and under the terms of the GPL.         |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Ports and Implementations                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten is a compelling thing, and zen    |              
|  simulations in general are hard to find. In an     |              
|  attempt to spread robotfindskitten to all          |              
|  corners and eras of the computing globe, many      |              
|  devotees of The Way of the  Robot and              |              
|  Kitten have taken it upon themselves to            |              
|  bring robotfindskitten-like enlightenment to       |              
|  others. We present them to you now.                |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  PalmOS                                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  The original port, by Bridget Spitznagel. (GPL)    |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Dreamcast                                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Douglas R. Winslow III                          |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|  [bootble cd images] by Jeremy Penner               |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  The rfk CGI                                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Martin Pool                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Java                                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Brian Enigma                                    |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Gameboy Advance                                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Ben Molitor.                                    |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Commodore 64                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Jeremy Penner                                   |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Apple ][                                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Jeremy Penner                                   |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Inform                                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Dave Griffith                                   |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Atari 2600                                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Jeremy Penner                                   |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  AmigaOS                                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  By Peter Gordon. (Public Domain)                   |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  OpenGL -- robotfindskitten3d                       |              
|  By Peter Gordon. (GPL)                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  rfk3d is currently in beta. Please try it out      |              
|  and poke it with sticks.                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  QNX                                                |              
|  by Jeremy Penner                                   |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Spectrum                                           |              
|  by Robert Tinsley                                  |              
|                                                     |              
|  The Sinclair ZX Spectrum range of personal         |              
|  computers were launched in 1982 and were massively |              
|  successful in their home market (the UK) because   |              
|  of their low cost and (for the time) reasonable    |              
|  specs (colour graphics!  well, sort of...) There   |              
|  were also a number of foreign clones (most notably |              
|  the American Timex/Sinclair 2068.)                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  In fact, "Sinclair's standing rose so high that    |              
|  in 1983 Margaret Thatcher personally presented a   |              
|  Spectrum to the Japanese Prime Minister as a       |              
|  symbol of British technological prowess."          |              
|  It is perhaps best remembered now for its rubber   |              
|  keyboard and as the home platform for Manic        |              
|  Miner and Jet Set Willy.                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  But now those legendary games pale in comparison   |              
|  to robotfindskitten.                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  PHP                                                |              
|  by Darkhorse                                       |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Amtel AVR                                          |              
|  by Daniel Beer                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  The Atmel AVR series of 8 bit microcontrollers are |              
|  thumb sized microcontrollers which contain many    |              
|  features including a serial UART. I used the AVR's |              
|  serial port to communicate out the board and game  |              
|  to an ANSIW terminal (HyperTerminal in this case)  |              
|  over a serial cable. Using these robotfindskitten  |              
|  AVR chips, a hardware robotfindskitten board could |              
|  easily be made that would only need a dumb         |              
|  terminal to operate. For more information on the   |              
|  AVR chips, check out http://www.atmel.com          |              
|  and http://www.avrfreaks.com.                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Java MIDlet -- rfk for your phone                  |              
|  by Tim Allen                                       |              
|  This will allow you to play robotfindskitten       |              
|  on your properly equipped mobile phone!            |              
|  [ download ] [ homepage ]                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  Gambas                                             |              
|  by Rob Kudla                                       |              
|  Gambas is a VB-style language for Linux.           |              
|  [download] [website]                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Flash                                              |              
|  by Christopher Widman                              |              
|  [download] [website]                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Python                                             |              
|  by Leonard Richardson                              |              
|  [download] [website]                               |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  Inform (C-64)                                      |              
|  By John Charroux                                   |              
|                                                     |              
|  This is a version of the Inform port (.z5 relase   |              
|  6) converted with the inf2d64 utility to           |              
|  Commodore 64 disk format.                          |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Javascript                                         |              
|  By Thom Curtis                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  This is a Javascript version of robotfindskitten.  |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Atari 7800                                         |              
|  By Thomas Mathys                                   |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  CGI                                                |              
|  By Harry J Mason                                   |              
|                                                     |              
|  A slick CGI robotfindskitten implementation!       |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  PSP                                                |              
|  By Trevor Wilson                                   |              
|                                                     |              
|  Take robotic kitten finding with you on the        |              
|  road -- it's portable!                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI 99/4A                                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  It's for the Texas Instruments TI 99/4A            |              
|  computer! And it's written in TI BASIC!            |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Rockbox Music Player Firmware                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  "I ported rfk to Rockbox' plugin system            |              
|  and it is now committed to the Rockbox             |              
|  SVN. This basically just means that rfk is         |              
|  now included if you install Rockbox. Just          |              
|  go to Plugins > Games > Robotfindskitten           |              
|  ("It's not a game!" I hear you say, but I          |              
|  had to pick some category, and I think             |              
|  people would have missed the humour of             |              
|  putting it under apps)." -- rasher                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten is a *part* of the larger         |              
|  Rockbox app. The download link below links         |              
|  to sample rfk-relevant Rockbox source. The         |              
|  homepage link links to Rockbox itself.             |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Nintendo DS                                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  Based on the PSP port by Trevor Wilson.            |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  68k Macintosh                                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  68k Macintosh port poorly written in Think         |              
|  Pascal for the 2008 RetroChallenge.  Tested        |              
|  on a Mac SE running system 6.0.5, iMac             |              
|  running OS 9, vmac and BasiliskII.                 |              
|  Bootable disk image for zero-effort vmac           |              
|                   fun.                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  PDCurses                                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  After having difficulty getting the POSIX port to  |              
|  compile in MinGW with PDCurses I went back to the  |              
|  original DOS version and translated my own.  This  |              
|  one is pretty close to the original with only a    |              
|  few changes:                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|   * PDCurses is a C library, so I've changed the    |              
|  source to C (not a big deal because most of the    |              
|  code except the output didn't use any C++          |              
|  specific functionality, and the output got         |              
|  changed to PDCurses)                               |              
|                                                     |              
|   * This version looks for an external              |              
|  messages.txt and loads from it. If it doesn't      |              
|  find messages.txt it has a short list of object    |              
|  descriptions (25) that it can use, tho the game    |              
|  loses quite a bit without that. It can support     |              
|  up to 1000 object descriptions.                    |              
|                                                     |              
|   * Consistant with Curses, this version will       |              
|  play with any screen size, and that was a bit      |              
|  of an educational experience, let me tell you.     |              
|                                                     |              
|   * I've added my own shameless plug to the         |              
|  messages.txt and the source.                       |              
|                                                     |              
|    -- Joseph Larson, Cymonsgames.com                |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  DEC Rainbow 100                                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  The Rainbow 100 is an 8088/Z80 personal computer   |              
|  built by Digital Equipment Corporation in the      |              
|  mid-80s.  The system is MS-DOS compatible, but     |              
|  has a significantly different architecture and     |              
|  BIOS from the IBM PC.  This port, based on the     |              
|  original DOS code, has been modified to use        |              
|  Rainbow console I/O routines, and it includes      |              
|  some Rainbow-specific double-height character      |              
|  fun.                                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  MIT Scratch                                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  Scratch is a visual programming environment        |              
|  targeted at teaching young people how to program   |              
|  in an easy and fun way. Programs are               |              
|  created by plugging together blocks similar to     |              
|  building a flowchart. robotfindskitten Scratch     |              
|  is an imaginative re-envisioning of the            |              
|  traditional rfk paradigm suitable for younger      |              
|  players and was originally written as a            |              
|  demonstration for the author's 10 year old son     |              
|  (who wants to be a game designer one day).         |              
|                                                     |              
|  No traditional source code is available, as        |              
|  Scratch stores each project as a single binary     |              
|  file which bundles all the "code" and graphics,    |              
|  sound etc.  together. The "source" supplied here   |              
|  is a set of screenshots of the project showing     |              
|  each of the actions performed by each sprite.      |              
|  The best way to understand the code, such as it    |              
|  is, is to play with it in Scratch.                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [play online]                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  Second Life                                        |              
|                                                     |              
|  This port was created because while there are      |              
|  many cats in Second Life, none of them are         |              
|  kitten.                                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [slurl]                                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Maemo                                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Maemo is an operating system for the Nokia         |              
|  Internet Tablet line of handheld computers.        |              
|  robotfindskitten for Maemo allows robot to         |              
|  find kitten wherever you go.                       |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Android                                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  Android is the shinynew Linux+Java OS that's       |              
|  going to take the smartphone world by storm.       |              
|  This port, in its pocket-sized kitten-finding      |              
|  way, will help it - and you - succeed.             |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Zune                                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  Zune just got a little more Zen                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten is now available in C# on         |              
|  Zune. You'll need Visual C# 2008 Express           |              
|  Edition (or better) with XNA Game Studio 3.1       |              
|  installed, but hey, is that really too much to     |              
|  ask when it comes to finding kitten?               |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI-83+                                             |              
|                                                     |              
|  Students the world-over have long endured long     |              
|  math class lectures. And they all desperately      |              
|  wonder one thing: where are the Zen simulations    |              
|                                               on    |              
|  my calculator? The situation has been  rectified.  |              
|  Now students can enjoy  robotfindskitten on the    |              
|  most popular graphing  calculator line, the        |              
|  TI-83+.                                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  TI-86                                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Owners of TI-86 calculators have long been         |              
|  rendered green with envy as their friends          |              
|  keep regaling them with incessant stories          |              
|  of kitten-finding on their shiny TI-83+            |              
|  machines. Now the time to strike back has          |              
|  finally come! Dust out your TI-86, and go,         |              
|  find kitten!                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Wii                                                |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindsktiten comes to the Wii. Amongst many    |              
|  controller options, you can control robot with the |              
|  Wii Balance Board for a truly immersive            |              
|  kitten-seeking experience.                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Lego NXT Mindstorm                                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  Lego NXT Mindstorm is a programmable Lego brick.   |              
|  With this port, you can play rfk on its LCD        |              
|  screen using tachometers and touch sensors. robot  |              
|  inside Robot!                                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Sega Master System                                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  This is a blatantly unfaithful port of             |              
|  robotfindskitten to the Sega Master System,        |              
|  sharing no actual source code with the original.   |              
|  The author hopes that all messages actually have   |              
|  a chance of showing up. You will need a slightly   |              
|  modified (the strings are too long for the stock   |              
|  version) WLA-DX to compile the source code.        |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  Web 2.0                                            |              
|                                                     |              
|  This is the first html+css+jquery port of RFK, and |              
|  the first online port playable by keyboard         |              
|  commands! Now you can play rfk from anywhere with  |              
|  a browser, a keyboard, and an internet connection. |              
|                                                     |              
|  Play at robotfindskitten.org!                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  HTML5                                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  ...and robot did venture off into the cloud in     |              
|  search of kitten. In that cloud he found a giant   |              
|  canvas, filled with wonderful things, one of which |              
|  might be kitten. So robot searches still. This is  |              
|  a JavaScript/HTML5 Canvas port of                  |              
|  robotfindskitten.                                  |              
|                                                     |              
|  Play at robotfindskitten.com!                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  PHP (alt.)                                         |              
|                                                     |              
|  A PHP/HTML version aiming to deliver the same      |              
|  experience than the Linux Console version. Easily  |              
|  embeddable into a PHP application.                 |              
|                                                     |              
|  [download] [homepage]                              |              
|                                                     |              
|  -= Other Appearances: =-                           |              
|                                                     |              
|  Secret Agent Clank (mini game)                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  "High Impact Games recently released a game called |              
|  Secret Agent Clank for Sony PSP. The main          |              
|  character (Clank) is a robot, so I couldn't resist |              
|  including a [robotfindskitten] mini-game.  After   |              
|  beating the Secret Agent Clank game, you can play  |              
|  through again, keeping all of the stuff you        |              
|  collected. In this mode, you can find secret Alien |              
|  Codes. If you find all of them, you unlock a       |              
|  secret treehouse level. In this level you can      |              
|  wander around and hit presents, and objects pop    |              
|  out, which may or may not be kittens. By the way,  |              
|  this is sort of Robot Finds Schrodinger's Kitten,  |              
|  since it is undetermined whether or not a given    |              
|  present contains Kitten until you open it." --     |              
|  Gerard Green, High Impact Games                    |              
|                                                     |              
|  [screenshots]                                      |              
|                                                     |              
|  -= Other rfkiana: =-                               |              
|                                                     |              
|  rfksay: an ascii talker like cowsay                |              
|  by Andrew Northern                                 |              
|  [ download ]                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  jasonfindsfleece:                                  |              
|  by Gunther Schmidl                                 |              
|  An inform game. With apologies to Lionel           |              
|  Richardson.                                        |              
|  [ download ] [ homepage ]                          |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  rfk-megahyperdeath: a patch for the .341           |              
|  tree which adds the possibility of MEGA. HYPER.    |              
|  DEATH! Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!                     |              
|  by Ryan Finnie                                     |              
|  [ download ]                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten: The Deltaur Initiative:          |              
|  A 3D robotfindskitten shooter in development.      |              
|  by Kristofer Straub                                |              
|  [screenshot]                                       |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten: the ultimate fanpage!:           |              
|  A fan page dedicated to robotfindskitten.          |              
|  [ robotfindskitten fanpage ]                       |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  robotfindskitten: the o'reilly factor:             |              
|  robotfindsprint -- Simon Carless in                |              
|  O'Reilly's Gaming Hacks.                           |              
|  [ screenshot ]                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|                                                     |              
|  rfk still life by beth lerman:                     |              
|  "11" x 14". Oil and tempera on panel. 2011.  A     |              
|  gift for Sumana Harihareswara and Leonard          |              
|  Richardson, creator of the 1997 computer game of   |              
|  the same title.  In the computer game, the player  |              
|  guides Robot through an item-filled room until she |              
|  discovers the kitten.  Amongst the items Robot can |              
|  potentially encounter (there are hundreds), there  |              
|  is a "half eaten birthday cake with pink           |              
|  frosting," "a lotus," and "lemon slices floating   |              
|  in a punch bowl"."                                 |              
|  [ link ]                                           |              
        r o b o t f i n d s k i t t e n . o r g  
| [-]                .::. .::.              |\_/|     | 
| (+)=C              :::::::::              |o o|__   | 
| | |                ':::::::'              =-*-=__\  | 
| OOO                  ':::'               c_c__(___) | 
          -- finding kitten since 1997 --