[rfk-dev] bare selection of NKI number without argument

Peter A. H. Peterson pedro at tastytronic.net
Tue Nov 6 11:16:38 PST 2012

I seem to recall that in the old version, you could invoke with 

"robotfindskitten 50"

... to get 50 items.

This no longer works, but simply runs the simulation with the default
number of NKI.

I like the use of optarg (e.g., -n 50, or -s to select a random seed
-- nice retro touch, whoever!), but I would support a change so that
the old behavior still works. (I.e., with no optarguments and an
integer following the command, assume it to be the -n argument.) I can
push a patch to do this, but I'm not sure if there's a proper way to
handle that kind of special case.

If not, at the least, entering "robotfindskitten 50" should print the
usage message.


Peter A. H. Peterson
Graduate Student Researcher
Laboratory for Advanced Systems Research
University of California, Los Angeles

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