[rfk-dev] robotfindskitten binary for Familiar/ARM

Erik Stambaugh squinky@dasbistro.com
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 19:46:07 -0700

Hello everyone.  I have built an rfk binary for Familiar/ARM Linux.

It took a slight modification to work well in the 43-column
standard(ish) terminal window.  It re-draws the bar between the nko
description and the playfield every time robot touches an nko.

It still has trouble with the closing scene and occasionally gets the
window dimensions all wrong, but is otherwise quite playable.

The package file is available via the familiar-unstable ipkg feed or

I have a screenshot taken from my ipaq at

The package comes with some kludgy (er, I mean _clever_) launch
scripts.  I shall provide patches, unpackaged binaries, and other
tender meaty goodness shortly.