[rfk-dev] [roybryant@SEVENtwentyfour.com: Broken link in www.robotfindskitten.org]
Paul J Collins
02 May 2001 08:46:46 +0100
>>>>> "PAP" == Peter A Peterson <pedro@tastytronic.net> writes:
PAP> From: Roy Bryant <roybryant@SEVENtwentyfour.com>
PAP> Are these reports helpful? I'd love some feedback. If you
PAP> prefer not to receive these occasional error notices please
PAP> let me know.
I got a mail from them about a broken link on my site once. As it
happens, the link was broken by design, and I mailed to tell them
that. Apparently, they took that reply as license to attempt to sell
me their services, at which point things became ungentlemanly.
///////////////// | | The spark of a pin
<sneakums@zork.net> | left blank. | dropping, falling feather-like.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ | | There is too much noise.