[rfk-dev] [schoen@loyalty.org: More non-kitten items (including many literary allusions)]
Nick Moffitt
Sat, 14 Apr 2001 15:41:45 -0700
begin Paul J Collins quotation:
> >>>>> "NM" == Nick Moffitt <nick@zork.net> writes:
> NM> I never got my branch of fortune-using stuff working right,
> NM> and that's probably something i'll want to hack out with
> NM> sneakums himself.
> Fixed.
Haha. I had done some clumsy pointer maths.
Okay. Did you know that it takes BART roughly 9 minutes at
76MPH to traverse the San Francisco Bay Tube? (It's not a tunnel:
it's a tube layed out on the sea floor!) That's how long I spent
writing that stuff, because I had a laptop and some free time.
You are not entitled to your opinions.
01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter!
^ (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)