robotfindskitten v1600000.666 (AVR) Ported by Daniel Beer (C) 2003, Features: High score written in non-volatile memory 116 Different strings for bogus items Seven colors and 223 characters for bogus items This is a port of Robotfindskitten for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers. Included are the binaries and source for an AVR at90s8515 and the AVR atmega16. Some of the text of the game had to be cut out on the smalled chip due to size restrictions of the AVR 8515. Using these two versions of the game, one should be able to make the game run on any 8K or 16K AVR chip with minor modifications (changing makefile). To run: Program robotfindskitten.hex and robotfindskitten.eep to your AVR at90s8515. The code is written for a 3.69 Mhz crystal. If you use a different oscillator, you must change the code and recompile. The AVR atmega16 version is written for a 4 Mhz oscillator. Using a serial terminal or terminal emulator that supports ANSIW (HyperTerminal will work) connect to the TX and RX ports of the chip at 19200 baud. Enjoy To play: Use W, A, S, D to move the robot around. To compile: Using AVR-GCC 3.33 or higher, run "make all" then "make program" in the src directory. - Daniel PS. Thanks to Peter Fleury for his UART AVR-GCC code.